*CANCELLED*Lakeshore Legislative Round Table (virtual)

Thursday, January 2, 2025 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) (EST)



Lakeshore HBA's Local Legislative Round Table (virtual)

Advocacy in Action

Our local Lakeshore Legislative Roundtable is known around the state of Michigan as the Lakeshore's "best kept secret" (have you checked it out?) as we have a great, sought after, turnout from local legislators open to talking with you, our members, on a regular basis.
You and any interested member of your team are invited (and encouraged!) to join the Zoom call.  Here, we typically receive DC updates as well as updates from the HBA of Michigan and most importantly, what's happening locally.

To date we have had Congressman Bill Huizenga, Senator Rodger Victory, Representative Terry Sabo, Representative Bradley Slagh, Commissioners Doug Zylstra, Joe Bush and John Guitierrez, and more, 
join us via Zoom.

Join us for the upcoming Legislative Roundtable. Then, pencil in the following meetings that occur bi-monthly the first Thursday of every other month (September, November, January, March, May).

Meetings will be facilitated by:
Jason Cochran, of Route, Lakeshore HBA's Legislative Chair.

Thank you to our Lakeshore Legislative Roundtable Sponsor:

We are working to improve YOUR industry. 
One of the most important benefits of your HBA Membership is a voice in government. 
Invite anyone on your team that may be interested in listening in or letting their voice be heard. 



Thursday, January 2, 2025 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) (EST)
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